Blephex Treatment

BlephEx Treatment from Our Ophthalmologist Near You in Kissimmee, FL

If you have noticed your eyelids are red, irritated, and crusty, you may be suffering from blepharitis. Fortunately, you can find relief through the BlephEx procedure offered by Eye Care Specialists of Florida in Kissimmee, FL. This simple in-office treatment can help get rid of troublesome eyelid inflammation.

Blephex Treatment

Understand Blepharitis

Blepharitis is chronic inflammation of the eyelids caused by a bacterial infection or dandruff-like flakes blocking oil glands. Symptoms include red, swollen eyelids, burning and itching, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, and morning eyelid crusting. Left untreated, blepharitis can lead to sties, chalazions, and vision problems.

During your appointment with our ophthalmologist near you at Eye Care Specialists of Florida, we will examine your eyelids to determine if you have anterior or posterior blepharitis. Then, we can recommend an effective treatment plan.

The BlephEx Procedure

BlephEx is a quick, in-office treatment that uses a gentle rotating micro-sponge to exfoliate and clean the eyelid margins. This removes debris, flakes, and bacteria that cause blepharitis inflammation.

The ophthalmologist applies a topical anesthetic to numb the eyelids before the procedure. Then the micro-sponge is used to buff the base and edges of the eyelashes. You may feel some mild vibration but no pain. The entire process takes just a few minutes per eyelid.

Experience Relief

Immediately after BlephEx treatment, you will notice less debris, redness, and irritation in your eyes. Your eyes may feel slightly scratchy at first but will improve quickly.

To get longer term relief from blepharitis, our ophthalmologist may recommend regular BlephEx treatments along with at-home eyelid hygiene. This can keep oil glands clear and bacteria at bay. You may also be prescribed antibiotic ointment or eye drops to use for a period of time.

Improve Your Eye Comfort

With BlephEx treatments from an experienced ophthalmologist near you at Eye Care Specialists of Florida, you can finally get relief from annoying blepharitis symptoms. Your eyes will look better, feel more comfortable, and have less redness and crusting.

You will also reduce the risk of blepharitis complications like sties that could affect your vision. Get control over your blepharitis through simple in-office BlephEx treatments in Kissimmee, FL.

Schedule a BlephEx Consultation at Eye Care Specialists of Florida in Kissimmee, FL

If you are dealing with irritating eyelid inflammation, do not wait to seek help. Call Eye Care Specialists of Florida today to schedule a blepharitis evaluation. Our knowledgeable ophthalmologists can determine if BlephEx is right for you. Contact us today to start clearing up your blepharitis and getting relief.


Contact us to request an appointment today.

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Hours of Operation

8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm