Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. The condition can cause severe discomfort and interfere with your daily activities. At Eye Care Specialists of Florida in Kissimmee, FL, we provide various treatments to relieve any uncomfortable symptoms and help you see clearly. Continue reading to learn about some causes and symptoms of dry eye!

dry eye

Causes of Dry Eye

There are several factors that can cause dry eye, such as age and certain medications. Some other causes of the condition include:

•             Environmental factors, including wind and smoke

•             Prolonged screen time

•             Certain medical conditions

•             Previous eye surgeries

•             Contact lenses

Recognizing the Symptoms

Individuals with dry eye may experience a variety of symptoms. These symptoms include a stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation in the eyes, sensitivity to light, redness, and a feeling of having something in the eyes. Blurry vision and eye fatigue are also common, especially after extended periods of reading or working at a computer. In some cases, people may exhibit excessive tearing as the eyes try to compensate for the dryness.


Diagnosing dry eye involves a comprehensive eye examination by our ophthalmologist. This includes a detailed assessment of the patient's medical history and lifestyle factors. We measure the volume and quality of the tears and evaluate the surface of the eyes to determine the necessary treatment.

Treatment Options

Treatment for dry eye focuses on managing symptoms and addressing underlying causes. Over-the-counter artificial tears and lubricating eye drops are often recommended first. For more severe cases, prescription medications that reduce inflammation or stimulate tear production may be needed. Lifestyle changes, such as taking regular breaks from screen time, using humidifiers, and wearing protective eyewear, can also alleviate symptoms. In certain circumstances, we might suggest procedures like punctal plugs, which block tear drainage.

Preventive Measures

There are some steps you can take to prevent dry eye. Staying hydrated, blinking regularly, especially when using digital devices, and consuming a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can support tear production. Using protective eyewear in harsh environmental conditions and having a humidifier in your house can also be helpful.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of dry eye, our team at Eye Care Specialists of Florida in Kissimmee, FL, can help. After an evaluation, we will create a treatment plan for your unique needs. We also provide solutions for glaucoma and cataracts, including cataract surgery. To schedule your appointment, contact our office at (407) 483-0328 today. When you need an ophthalmologist near me, we are happy to assist you!

Contact us to request an appointment today.

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8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
8:30 am - 5:00 pm